Sunday, February 12, 2012


The baby in all of the photographs is my niece Maiya


  1. This doesn't look like you've never done anything like this to me! I absolutely love the colors. The little one is adorable as heck.

  2. Thank you so much!! You have no idea how much your feedback means (considering I almost threw my computer out the window 10 hours into this project)!!

  3. This is just beautiful!! Reminds me of Anne Geddes' work! Two thumbs up! Thank you! :)

  4. I like them. They have a fantasy feel to them. The child face with flowers #5 could be better if you cut the blue on the face not the flowers. Convert the image to CMYK under image > mode then image adjustment curves and cut the Cyan.

  5. I forgot to upload my comment here, this was what I had written on the weblink page of our assignment:
    Beautiful colors and little girl! How many images did you end up using? They are all so blended well, you think it was just a photo taken, especially the girls in the field. The bubbles image really shows the sense of depth we're suppose to go for. I like the color saturation in the green field.

  6. Hi Liz-
    I really like the first photo, when I look at it it looks like everything in the background is moving while your niece is just there center stage which makes her the primary subject. I'm wondering what your niece is looking at, she looks so focused on whatever it is.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. They are great photomontages. I specially like the way you applied the color temperature and color correction to the second image besides the baby's face in the middle of flower.

  9. Thanks so much for all of the positive comments everyone - I was really surprised and happy to see them all!

    When I was going through my photo catalog I realized nearly every photo I've taken in the last couple of years had been of Maiya. Because of my lack of photos of anyone else in addition to the "fun feel" I wanted to go with, I decided to use her as my main character in every picture. I was excited to see how many ways I could "work her in". For these 6 images I used bits and pieces from 16-20 different photos :)
